Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Insurance changes

I was just wondering if anyone else was having the same or similar issues that I am having with the new insurance changes due to Obama Care. Since the new changes have set in, it seems that all of my doctors are now more unwilling to do things or look into things because of the fact that the insurance will not approve certain tests or items. In fact, my doctor looked me straight in the face and told me that he could not admit me to the hospital even though I was in extreme pain, simply because the test that I had just had done came back normal. I think that that is completely absurd. I can not tell you how many times I have been sent home or told that they could not proceed any further with tests or surgery because my insurance hasn't approved. As of right now, I am at a stand still with having this one final test done before my doctor and I can progress to talking about my having a much needed resection because my insurance is giving them the run around on getting approval. Meanwhile, I am sitting at home in extreme pain while they take their time approving what needs to be done. In some aspects, Obama Care is wonderful because I am able to stay on my mothers insurance,  which I desperately needed to stay on, but the way that it now has my doctors acting is terrible. People who need to be in the hospital, can't be because insurance companies are trying to cut costs.  At this point, I'm just praying that everything I need gets approved before my colon decides to rupture, then the insurance will be forced to pay for my more expensive emergency surgery. 
Anyways, I just wanted to voice my opinion on this new insurance issue, and see if anyone else has had any negative side effects from this as well. 

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