Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Still no answers?

For 4 years now, I have been dealing with Chrons, and it is still, today not nearing remission. I am reaching out now to people around the world and to doctors around the world to see if they have any new leads as to what else could possibly be going on. 
My symptoms as of now are:
  • Severe fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Abdominal pain (generally in the lower parts).
  • Abdominal tenderness
I am currently on the following medicines:
  • Apriso- 3 0.375 capsules, twice a day.
  • Entocourt- 6mg once a day.
  • Remicade every 8 weeks.
I am just really tired of having my life being on hold because of my health. There have been numerous CT's, MRI's and Ultrasounds, but everything keeps coming up normal, even though I am still having all of these problems.
At a dead end it seems.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

How do i deal with my illnesses?

Prayer. I pray about it and have faith every single day that I will be healed completely one day, and that gets me by! I know that right now, I am suffering, but I also know it won't always be like this.
"The pain you have been dealing with now is nothing compared to the joy to come" Romans 8:18
I read this verse and it gives me a little extra boost of encouragement when I need it.
Besides prayer, the next best thing I can suggest in dealing with illness is to talk about it with someone. Whether you talk to friends, a psychiatrist, relatives, or you just write in your journal, it will help tremendously. Keeping things bottled up can be a large source of stomach pain for Chrons patients. Chrons is, after all, a stress-induced illness, so eliminating any unnecessary stress is advised if possible.
Try to engage in light exercise like walking or yoga, it helps as well, and that's what I try to do often.
Hopefully these things will helpful to others like they were for me! 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My medicines

When I first got diagnosed with Chrons and Ulcerative colitis, they put me on a series of medications. First, they started me on Asacol. (2 twice a day).
Then they added on Entocourt (6mg, once a day). After they realized that the asacol was not working, they put me on Pentasa(3 twice a day), along with the entocourt, but increased it to 9mg a day. That still was not working. They then tried me on Apriso(4, 0.375 twice a day), with Prednisone added. (Yes, Prednisone does make you gain weight, and it does give you chipmunk cheeks and a distended belly.) After all of this and it still had not gotten me close to remission, they decided to put me on Remicade(every 6 weeks) with Methotrexate Injections( once every week). I switched to an adult GI doctor recently and he has put me back on the Pentasa twice a day with the Entocourt. This is where I am at currently, minus the Methotrexate and I am still not in remission.
Hopefully, we are getting closer! It has been a long, stressful, and difficult path dealing with all of this, but I've got faith that I'll get into remission soon.

What is Chrons & what are my symptoms?

Chrons Disease: What is it?
"Crohn's disease, also known as Crohn syndrome and regional enteritis, is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus, causing a wide variety of symptoms. It primarily causes abdominal paindiarrhea (which may be bloody if inflammation is at its worst), vomiting (can be continuous), or weight loss."
What are my symptoms?

For me, my Chron's brings on a bunch of different symptoms and ailments with it. The biggest issue that I have almost non-stop is abdominal pain. The pain is worsened after eating and drinking, and almost never subsides. It is generally located in the lower abdominal area, and to the right side for me.  There have been times where the pain has been so bad that all I could do was curl into a ball and lay on my bed until it eased up enough for me to drive to the ER. 
Another big issue that puts a hold on a lot of daily things for me is extreme fatigue. This may not just be caused from the Chrons, but it is definitely playing a huge part. My fatigue is so bad that it takes a lot for me to just get up and go to the store. When I first got diagnosed with Chrons back in 2011, I ended up having to quit my jobs, and withdraw from school, because I couldn't get out of bed, and I was hurting so bad. As of today, I still have not been able to resume my normal lifestyle.
Aside from the fatigue and abdominal pain, the only other more minor issue I have is occasional constipation/diarrhea.
Hopefully, that will be all of the symptoms that I will have to deal with for awhile!
I will make another post about what medicines I am currently on, as well as the medicines that I have used thus far!